God’s Word for All Generations

- Psalm 71:18

You Can Help Rescue People From Spiritual Darkness Through Bible Translation


Give to the crucial work of Bible translation. Help others gain access to God's Word in the language they think and dream in.


Over 1 billion people are cut off from the life-transforming message of the Bible.


You know how badly our world needs the Bible. But more than a billion people lack access to the Bible's life-transforming message of love, hope, and eternal salvation. They don’t have a Bible in their heart language. God’s Word of love was written directly to them, just as it was to us. The only difference? We have the Bible translated into our language. They don't.


The question is, what are we—the people of God—going to do about it?


We must translate the Bible for every person on earth in the language that speaks to their very soul. American Bible Society and our partners are working to bring the Scriptures to every living language by 2033. Thanks to new technologies, we can reach all people with the gospel in our lifetime! But we can’t do it alone. We need faithful evangelists like you.


You can share God’s love through Bible translation.

Will you be part of the generation God uses to fulfill the Great Commission? Souls are at stake, so there’s not a moment to lose. Make a gift to Bible translation and change lives today!


You have been called by God to bring the good news of salvation to all nations. Your gift to Bible translation will bring God’s Word where needed most as fast as possible. Make your gift to Bible translation today and watch God change lives—now and for eternity.



“All nations will come to your light.”

—Isaiah 60:3a NLT